Engaging Villages as Key Partners
for Healthy Aging Research
Virtual Summits Archive:
Summer 2024
Villages Healthy Aging Research Ambassadors Group
The Villages Healthy Aging Research Ambassadors collaboratively designed and implemented a series of national outreach events on healthy aging research with Villages in the summer of 2024 (click here to learn more). Ambassadors met approximately twice a month by Zoom from February - June 2024 and sunsetted at the end of 2024. ​The Ambassadors Group consisted of over a dozen individuals representing diverse individual backgrounds, organizational contexts, and geographic settings.

Meet the Ambassadors
The Ambassadors Group consisted of more than a dozen passionate individuals who are committed to advancing Villages through healthy aging research. Ambassadors were from nine states, in addition to Washington DC, with various skills and backgrounds. Some members had been involved with Villages for over a decade, and others were in their first year of participation. The Ambassadors' diversity, alongside their shared passion for Villages and collaborative research, were core strengths of the group.
If you have additional questions, please
email the research team at the Rutgers Hub for Aging Collaboration.